how do you build a better relationship with your self?

discover the healing powers of your mind with toronto rising™

1on1 mind coaching sessions (in person or remote) include methods of self inquiry, talk therapy, nature therapy, meditation, energy work, journaling and in some cases plant medicines.

this work aims to guide the participants to build a better relationship with their mind, clear their energy and realize the light within.


"a session with universe is like a soft, warm, and gentle caress of the soul. Nudged back to my intuitive knowing that loving myself in abundance, in fact, being in love with myself, is essential, this place is always there for us waiting quietly to come back to. I’m now reset, reflective, and basking in the love that is me, and all around."

- Paula Smith

"I had the privilege of attending Universe's meditation workshop with yoga, and it was truly a transformative experience. Universe has a unique gift for making meditation accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience. Even though I had been meditating for years, his approach shifted my mindset and deepened my practice in ways I never expected.

What sets Universe apart is his ability to use analogies that resonate with people from all walks of life. His explanations and metaphors bring clarity to complex concepts, making meditation feel more approachable and relatable. He has a remarkable talent for simplifying the profound.

Universe's kindness, caring nature, and authenticity shine through in every interaction. He genuinely cares about each participant's journey and creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels valued and supported.

The workshop is a must-attend for anyone looking to deepen their meditation practice, no matter their level of experience. His approach, combined with his kindness and authenticity, make it an unforgettable and life-changing experience"

- Yemina Kaiman

"Working with Universe was a privilege. He guided me on an inner journey of self discovery, peace, catharsis and revelation - facilitated by perfectly safe and sacred plant medicines. I cannot un-know what I have now come to know about myself, life, and how the universe works. He held such safe, sacred space that allowed me to go where I needed to go, to release, to heal and to discover. Since my experience with him, I have had huge breakthroughs in self love, which has completely enhanced the breadth and depth of love I experience in my outer world as well. Highly recommend working with him, in whatever capacity. Eternally grateful."

- Christina Velasco

"I've been processing a lot lately and I found the session to really help clear more of the inner blockage so I could process what I need to more clearly and freely. I also felt a lot of revitalizing energy during and after the session, like I was more alive, safe and secure in my body."

- Alexandra Mireanu

"I can't put in words how much value I got from our time.

I started my day off practicing gratitude and I already feel more in control of my mind. I felt it in my morning interactions and already at work. Also I was having trouble sleeping for the last week, and last night I slept like a BABY"

- Evan Pancer

"Dialogue with Universe and his questions allowed me to recognize, visualize, and understand fully the concept of the mind and self, I have been carrying this powerful mind like a perfect mask, not understanding, not seeing what it was, thinking it was my own self, when it projected fear, anxiety, sadness, terror, and every other feature installed by the architects I grew up with, my parents, I thought I was my mind, and its projections felt like reality.

I have honestly found a sense of peace and awareness I have never reached before.

This experience has been the best Christmas gift I have ever received and would recommend it to anyone in the world."

- Rafael Calderon

to book a free 30 minute confidential discovery call complete the form below.